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What is the scope of this field?
One of the frequently asked questions from aspiring career counsellors.
A very valid question though.
Scope of any industry must be measured on a few parameters, that helps one make an informed decision.
Here are a few parameters I look into for the career counselling industry:
- Current market size: 350 million youth in India
- Current market demand: Need for 1.4 Million career counsellors.
- Industry estimated current worth: Rs. 8000 crore.
- Resource deficiency: Currently less than 10k trained career counsellors are available.
- Service demand: 500,000 hits and searches every month just on Google itself.
- Target audience: Students till working professionals
- Scalability: Technology is readily available now.
- Expected industry growth: NEP 2020 gave the needed boost by 10 times.
- Expected earning potential: Proven 5 figure income for focused career counsellors and much more.
According to me, it has immense scope and future
Which parameters do you find important and useful to determine scope?
Asked by Edumilestones | 30th of October 2020
career counsellor voiceofvipinThere is Ample Potential in the Career Counseling Industry due to the increasing complexity of Career Paths, Educational Pressures, Workforce Changes, the need for lifelong learning, and the importance of mental health in job satisfaction.
By leveraging Technology and receiving support from Governments and Institutions, the industry is well-positioned to expand its reach and impact, providing vital Assistance to Individuals in their Educational and Professional Journeys.
Why Potential is So Big in Indian Sub Continent ? it is a Million Dollor Question but we must focus on this & Start Working for Betterment of All Sigments of Society
Jai Hind
This is truly insightful. Numbers and experiences gives us a fair amount of understanding about any given field. It is also important to learn a bit better from those who belong to this field.
True, numbers and experiences do give us a lot of understanding about any field. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
The parameters given in the question provide us the answer too. With the huge market size and disproportionately less number of Certified Career Counsellors, the scope to absorb more counsellors...thus a huge career opportunity (I am not using the word Job here deliberately) is present here and now.
In addition, one does not worry about much competition since the playing field is vast. Technology also has a huge role to play for any one interested in making a difference in the lives of others by supporting and helping them make a choice for their careers. And these counsellors will be able to work at their own pace, from their own space, and not having to worry about the rat race.
Further, anyone with any educational background but with a passion to understand the expansive career options that the world is throwing up and an analytical bent of mind and empathy as a personal trait can do wonders.
India’s young student population will keep the demand for this career very high.
It is very true that there is a huge scope and with support of the technology and scientific approach can get bridge the gap. However till now I see it is a niche segment and very few passionate get engaged in this career opportunity.
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