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Asked by Nandhini Murugesan | 1st of April 2020
career counselling Career decisionWell , when we are sick we go to a doctor when we want to learn a new skill we go to a specialist trainer . But when we need to take the most important decision of our life that is choosing a Career, which leads to our job which we spend 30% of our life time on, then isn t it necessary to Consult or consider a specialist opinion or advise before choosing a Right Career for you.
That s how important a Career Counselor is before taking Important Career decisions which could be choosing a Right course and college or considering the higher studies opinion or abroad studies Consultation.
Career coach or counselor helps you decide which is best for you considering all possibilities of future career opportunities , your skills and abilities and what could be right for you.
Career counselling helps students discover their true potential and interest in various subjects.Friends and family can very often provide incorrect guidance because their parameters of judging a career choice might differ.A counsellor is objective while giving guidance,with no considerations other than aptitude and interest.
Choosing a field of study that is not really suited to your interests or skills could prove disastrous.And that s where a career counsellor comes in.
You need a career counsellor because career counsellor is
We need career counsellors because
Charting a career path in present day scenario has become a challenging exercise. Gone are the days when Medical, Engineering or Civil services were the only options available to aspirants of a good career. Today diverse opportunities across a wide spectrum are available to choose from.More importantly there are scientific tools which make individuals aware of their potential and help align their their career paths. However what is the reality?
Young minds at critical stage in career have often been found struggling making career choices. Directives from parents, peer pressure, lack of self awareness and at times unrealistic vision of desired future life (which may be at cross purposes with personality, interest and skills) infuse high degree of confusion. All this is avoidable as experts are available who can empower individuals through facilitation to embark on potentially satisfying career path.
Seeking guidance when faced with such threats is obviously a logical options for aspirants of a successful career. Hence the need for career counsellors.
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