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Since this lockdown, many students are not sure about their career and they need career advice. From where can I get career counselling online?
Asked by Edumilestones | 14th of April 2020
career counselling career counselling online career counselling career counsellor career counselorThere s an endless stream of career guidance n counselling services available.But most of them are too general to be helpful for any one person s unique situation.and also most of them are biased towards certain colleges/universities.
I recommend two websites to help you discover your perfect career with most advanced career assessment platform n expert counsellors in both online n offline modes.
check out :
Disclosure: i am the lead career counsellor at Upturn Career Counselling.
Best Sites for Career Counselling in India are :-
*NCS counsellor
*Ebullient Career Counselling - students, parents & professionals had given wonderful feedback about the pesonlised services offered by ECC.
As you have not provided any specific requirement for your needs, I provide herebelow some of the Best sites for career counselling which could be of use to you. However, in case your need differs, you can request further with specfic requirement :
The best career counselling is done by experts who have the right knowledge of careers and also the best techniques to guide you. There are so many careers with a good scope, but a good counsellor empowers you to understand your best fit career and helps you in making your career plan. They mentor you according to your priorities and unique factors. When it comes to selecting the best career counsellor, I would recommend Career Monk. They are a team of counsellors who are driven by to bring a change in the student s life.
You can visit Career Monk at https://careermonk.in/
Edumilestones is one such reputed site for career guidance with comprehensive data base, countless possibilities , career library, knowledge database , tools and a tracking platform. I use it extensively
there are several good sites for career counselling and what matters is quality of content and passion used by the counsellor. Also, the ability to disagree in order to open up perspectives and possibilities for the candidate seeking guidance for a meaningful and realistic career road map
Who provided the best Professional, Dedicated, Career Counseling Nearby me is Edumilestone...where we got a Career Library in which we got 1000+ Career Opportunities for New Age Career.
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