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LPU has been conducting our classes very smoothly, even in these hard times. And for LPU, student security is always a top priority. They decide by keeping students' security in their minds, and I don’t think there’s any harm in that because LPU never lagged in this pandemic, not even now to date. LPU made its own platform for our classes. We were not forced to attend classes on zoom, google meet, or somewhere else; instead, we were attending classes on LPU's own platform, plus we were getting assignments and everything timely. Our professors and mentors provided by LPU are helping us all the time. Our classes are on time like they used to be physically 9 to 5. everything is the same, actually. Even we’re attending lots of workshops, webinars, and everything virtually, it’s still the same; it’s just that we’re not physically present in LPU, that’s it. I saw many of my friends from other universities starting their sessions very late. Till now, some of them haven’t even got the chance to give their exams or attend classes smoothly, but I am thrilled and impressed with my university that how quickly they’re adaptive to changes and technology things.
The only thing which hurts me, and I am sure it hurts freshers too, is that we’re missing our LPU campus alotttt, it’s wonderful, and my juniors haven’t even got the chance to see the beauty of LPU physically. But they’re not lagged as well. They got the virtual inductions, freshers, and everything else we’re getting. So I feel LPU will do justice for even the 2021 batch too.
that’s all from my side, and I hope this helps you. :)
LPUTABS stands for Lovely Professional University Trial/Audition Based Scholorship Scheme. This scholorship is given to students who could not avail University sports and cultural scholorship scheme. After taking the admission, students have apply again for this scholorship. Other details can be availlaed on the followinng link
In order to extend an opportunity to applicants who could not derive the benefit of sports or cultural scholarship scheme of University, LPU launched Trial/ Audition based scholarship scheme (LPU TABS). This is an effort to unearth talent for the University team and provide financial support to students qualifying the Trial/ Audition.
Candidates can apply for LPU TABS only after taking the admission. Once the Candidate has taken admission the option to apply for LPU TABS will appear in his/ her login portal.
The trial will be evaluated on the basis of information given in your applications, and the following aspects:
Fitness Test: speed, strength, endurance etc.
Technical Knowledge and performance in the Game: Involving technical and tactical knowledge and skills of game
Previous Experience/ Achievements: Previous achievements at the National/ State/ AIU/ District Level etc.
The audition will be evaluated on the basis of the information given in your application, and the following parameters:
Performance: Technical execution, stage presence, ensemble rapport/ soloist strength may be tested for the judgement.
Technical Knowledge: Technical and tactical knowledge and skills of Dance/ Drama/ Music/ Theatre etc.
Previous Experience/ Achievements: Previous achievements at the National/ State/ AIU/ District Level etc.
Once the applicant successfully applies for LPUTABS, a Hall Ticket will be generated immediately and will be sent to the applicant on his/ her registered email ID.
Results will be prepared on the basis of performance in Trial/ Audition and will be displayed on the University website (www.lpu.in).
Schedule/ Date(s) of Test may be changed by the university, as and if required.
Applicants will be allowed to appear for LPUTABS only once.
Scholarships on the basis of LPUTABS may not be offered in all the programmes of the university. For more information, contact the admission office.
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