4200+ highly renowned Career Counsellors across 42+ Locations. Find the best career counsellor near you
5 Dimensional highly accurate Career Assessment. Get 32+ Comprehensive Career Report with the detailed execution plan.
Check your career suitability across 3000+ Occupations in 30 minutes. Take an informed career decision. Get free analysis.
End to End Abroad studies guidance and application process handling across 14+ Countries and 30,000 universities. Check your profile and college fitment
College Predictor analysis with your target colleges. Career Analysis and research tools
Refer Career Counselling and EarnStart your own career counselling practice in 3 weeks. Get Professional Training, Certification and Industry Leading Assessment platform.
Start your own study abroad counselling services in 2 weeks. Learn the admission process for 35+ popular study abroad destinations
Industry-leading Career Assessment Platform for Career Counsellors. More than 35+ Career Assessments starting from 5th class to Senior Professionals
Connect with us for a mutually beneficial Project. Special solutions for Government, High traffic websites, CSR and NGO Projects
Career and Motivational workshops by industry-leading experts. Highly renowned and acclaimed speakers. Top speakers like Ajit Kayakani, Dr Chinu Agarwal
Dedicated technology-enabled Career Lab in schools. Career Assessment, Course selection, college suitability match and many more
Connect with us for a mutually beneficial Project. Special solutions for Government, High traffic websites, CSR and NGO Projects
Do you offer online career counselling after class 10 as currently we can t get out due to lockdown?
Asked by Rekha Kurup | 3rd of April 2020
career counselling online career counselling after class 10thYes. Considering the current situation, it s difficult to connect people personally. Commuting different location is always at high risk. Stay home and stay Safe is being our Mantra now. We suggest our client s to come online for Career Counselling. They are happier to use online services for career counselling.
Saves Time, Very Safe, Saves Fuel, They are free from pollution & Traffic
We have good technologies in place to connect with people. We are very successful in doing online counselling and we continue to do it.
Online Counselling is a poor man s choice. Counselling is a personalised service and is best undertaken face to face. It is imperative that a personal rapport and touch is maintained between the counsellor and the candidate, for optimum results.
On line counselling should be resorted to in certain unavoidable situations only.
Yes.. It s the best way to do.. I m doing only online almost.. My client r from Nirobi,dubai,delhi...so I do mostly online concelling. It works the best...
Dear Rekha,
Appreciate your decision of taking career counselling. Most of the students are utilizing this time to carve path towards their dream career.
Online Career Counselling is the best way for getting career counselling in this current Pandemic situtaion.
1)Location will not be a constraint, you can access services across the globe.
2)You can finalise timing as per your convenience.
3)As it s online - through Skype/zoom physical presence is not required (which is the utmost safety recommended in todays date), but at the same time the counsellor will get to know individual face to face.
Only thing you need to do is to find the best career counsellor, based on their certification, experience, location & most important customer feedback.
Wishing you all success
Ebullient Career Counselling. (Reach out & Flourish)
This is the best way at the current situations. Its cheaper and easily accessible. We can communicate through audio / video calls. Also skype and zoom platforms can be used based on requirments.
A group of interested students also can be facilitated to use our career assessment platform too.
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