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harshit pandey

4th of July 2022 | 2 Likes


Lovely Professional University is completely safe & secure, 0% Ragging, 0% tolerance to any illegal substances. Following are the security measures undertaken by the university for the safety of the students:

1) There are 7400+ CCTV surveillance on a 24X7 basis from every corner. 2) 400+ Security Officials are there. LPU security team includes experienced ex-military men and women. 3) Drug Free Campus (Zero tolerance towards drugs & alcohol. A dedicated & expert department of security officials and personnel are on duty 24 x 7 to ensure that no drug ever enters the campus). 4) A++ Fire Station is there 5) A++ Hi Tech. Security Gadgets are installed. 6) TURNSTILE GATES & BOOM BARRIERS: LPU has Turnstile gates at major entry/exit points as well as boom barriers for vehicles, thereby ensuring that every movement is monitored. In such an atmosphere you can well imagine how the boys or girls could be.

Navneet Kaur

22nd of September 2022 | 2 Likes


LPU is one of the safest campuses in the world as it is manned by over 400 full-time security officials, thousands of security cameras. The security team includes experienced ex-military men and women. LPU has Zero tolerance towards drugs & alcohol. A dedicated & expert department of security officials and personnel are on duty 24 x 7 to ensure that no drug ever enters the campus.

LPU is preparing its Girl-Students as Ambassadors of Self-Protection. Under corporate social responsibility, Lovely Professional University is organizing ‘Self-Defense Training’ workshop at LPU Campus for all of its female students and staff members. For this, LPU’s School of Professional Enhancement has arranged different sessions to be addressed and demonstrated by an internationally reputed trainer Shri Rajendran Nair of Tata Group. Mr. Nair is credited with training 3 lakh women of the country, including women cops of Mumbai Police and other forces. After only an hour’s training at LPU, girl-students are seen turned into solid symbols of confidence & aggression against their oppressors. Addressing the students in a very cordial, interesting and amusing manner on grave situations, Mr. Nair guided all of them to develop self-esteem by building a high-level of self-confidence within. Mr. Nair advised students to live a fearless life by having full control over their hearts and minds.

Siddarth Manda

7th of July 2022 | 2 Likes



Let me elaborate the measures taken by LPU for security and safety of girls.

  • Hostelers (Girls) are not allowed to go outside the university at any given point of time, to go outside the university, permissions from parents is taken to provide them with the gate pass. The university is secured completely with high walls, barbed wires, security guards and CCTV’s so no loop holes where they can sneak from.
  • 24/7 Guarded university with 4500+ CCTV cameras all around the university.
  • Girls have to enter their specific hostels in specified time duration 7 pm, and they cannot come out the hostels as boys are allowed to roam the university till night.
  • NO OUTSIDERS is allowed in the university without a gate pass. Meaning even if parents of students come for visit, they have the access to university through gate pass only.
  • Girls are handled by the women security guards only. Illegal substances are strictly forbidden and regular checks are done to make sure such activities does not happen in the university.
  • Girls who wants to study in the Central library at night are allotted 2 hrs of time and will be accompanied by guards to the library and back from the library to their respective hostels.
  • Any publicly offensive acts are clearly not allowed in the university and strict actions are taken against such act.

Moreover the Pro Chancellor of the University Ms Rashmi Mittal herself being a women has made sure than safety of girls remains a priority as not only national girls but also international girls from over 70+ countries are studying in the university.

The head of the security of the university is also under the head of Indian Army retired Brigadier ensuring strict compliance of law and regulation in the university.

So one can be assured strict measures have been taken for the safety and security of girls.


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