Education is your key to unlock the golden door of success. With a great passion for guiding students on their career paths , I have embarked on this journey with ACEedu to help students reach their goals. My counselling services help students see their goals, understand the obstacles, create a positive mental picture, clear your mind of doubts, embrace the challenges and stay on track.Contact me for all your educational counselling services. Mobile: 9819176625
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after 7years of Engineering if you are still unsure, i highly recommend you to take aptitude tests and interest psychometric tests for career counselling.
it is a matter of interest and skills that will help you determine your career path, Perhaps you are even unaware of options in software engineering hence you are unsatisfied. career profiling and counselling will help you determine your goals.
i believe every individual should pursue their passion as their career so their work will be enjoyable and they will look forward to each day.With Jessy, she has a passion for food and beverage and there are multiple career options in the industry.
she has exceptional abilities so she could even try for a scholarship. She does not need to be upset if her parents are unable to provide complete financial support as there are scholarships for hardworking and exceptional students in most of the colleges and universities.
i would recommend her to be certain and not confused with her goals, therefater focus and look for options in her choosen career path.