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Top 10 essentials of psychometric test for career counsellors

1. Assessment Framework

Having understood the dynamics of human nature, it is also important to understand the complex and multi-dimensions of human behaviour. The assessment framework needs to be user-friendly and simple. A career guidance framework is important to identify multiple dimensions of students.  Most assessment available offer or provide one or a couple of dimensions, which fails to provide a holistic view of the candidate. It may generate vague career recommendations and generally displays top 3 or top 5 recommended career options.

On the other side, assessments that explore multiple dimensions of the candidate gives more accurate, elaborate and precise results.

Using Edumilestones multi-dimensional career guidance platform, the candidates are assessed on 5 key dimensions giving us an edge over other providers:

  •  Personality
  •  Career Interests
  •  Career Motivators
  •  Learning Style
  •  Skills and Abilities (with 8 parameters)

  • Assessment Framework
  • Accuracy, Validity and Reliability
  • Type of Assessment
  • Career Report and Results
  • Platform Stability and Scalability
  • Training and Handholding
  • Branding and Personalization
  • Data Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Updated Career Exploration Database
  • Dedicated Support 24*7

Career Psychometric test is a diagnostic tool used by career counsellors, educationists for career guidance. The primary objective of any career assessment platform is that it should be easy to use and confines all the features(as listed below). Choosing an incorrect platform may impact your credibility and standard of counselling. Before choosing a career assessment, you must consider 10 these essential parameters for a career guidance platform:

Before deciding on any career assessment platform/tool, accuracy, reliability and validity will remain the most essential and crucial deciding factor.

Reliability and Validity are highly important for psychological research. This tests whether the study fulfils its predicted aims and hypothesis and also ensures that the results are due to the study and not any possible extraneous variables.

  • Sample size and demography must be considered with equal importance.
  • We at Edumilestones provide career assessment platform which is tested on statistical methodologies thereby providing 98.6% accurate results.
  • When it comes to accuracy in the result, Edumilestones is by far the most trusted platform for career guidance. 
  • It is used by many leading career counselors in India and outside India, enabling and empowering them to provide career counseling effectively and efficiently.
  • Get a first-hand experience of our career assessment platform here http://www.edumilestones.com/.

2. Accuracy, Validity & Reliability

A career guidance assessment helps integrate tests results in the broader context of the individual's passions, interests, personality, aptitude, culture, and career-related goals. A self-assessment can be a useful tool in checking the areas in which a candidate has strengths and limitations.

We all know human nature is dynamic. Can a single assessment cater to these dynamics? Hence it is imperative to have a dedicated assessment of students, graduates, and professionals as per their current life stage. For eg., an Arts student will have different career path options than of a Commerce/Science student.

Most of the times we neglect the fact that people of all ages starting from students to working professionals do require counseling or an expert in career guidance.

Even students after completing graduation are confused about what to do next. For eg. nowadays most of the engineers are confused about whether to go for M.S, M.tech or an MBA. The right career guidance at the right time can be a major differentiating factor between a successful and happy life and a life full of regret, stress, anxiety, and guilt.

We at Edumilestones provide career guidance platform to candidates from 5th standard to working professionals with 15 years of experience. We have been able to reach out to thousands of students and have benefitted many industry stalwarts to pave their fortune through our strong network of 1600+ career counselors.

Career guidance assessment is one of the factors that form the crux of the career guidance process. We provide 45+ dedicated career assessments which are highest in the industry. We do understand that language cannot be the barrier that stops people from using our technology. Hence we provide our users with the best experience both in English and Hindi. No matter where you are standing in life. The right career choice from the right career counselors can make your future.

3. Type of Assessment

4. Career Report and Results

Career Report is the crux of any career guidance assessment. A good report must:

1.    Be simple and easy to understand.

2.    Have a detailed career execution plan.

3.    Provide suitable career paths based on the multi-dimensions of the candidate.

Most career reports do provide a suitable career path but fail to provide an understanding of career paths not suitable for a candidate.

Edumilestones career reports are easy to read and interpret with the detailed execution plan. Candidates can see their analysis among all 175+ career paths to both decide and discard career options accordingly.

We provide career counseling and career guidance with the detailed execution plan. We provide analysis across all career paths and explore each and every dimension.

A detailed 36-page comprehensive report is generated for the chosen career path.

5. Platform stability & scalability

It is very important for a career guidance platform to be stable and scalable. Some of the factors to be considered are:

  •  Career guidance platform should be stable in low internet area as well. In a 4G era, it is hard to imagine one’s life without the internet. But there can be times or some places rural regions where the connectivity is low. So, the best career assessment platform is one which can withstand such an obstacle and do really good in that particular area.

  • Most of us use different browsers. A stable career guidance platform will support all browsers which optimize browsing experience.
  • Career guidance platform should be available both online as well as offline. Edumilestones provides assessment both in online and offline mode, we have digitized the scoring and report generation process even if 100’s of tests are conducted using questionnaire and response sheets (OMR).
  • A platform should be able to support 10,000 users at the same time without breaking or slowing down.
  • The platform must be accessible and responsive using the web, tab, and mobile, eliminating the need to download a separate app from any play store.

The start of any career or job role begins with learning and training. Once we complete the training, having someone to handhold and supervise us, makes the start of our career journey relatively easy and comforting. Training and handholding go hand in hand. Buying a laptop or phone, and not knowing how to use, will defeat our purpose as well as that of the brand.

Edumilestones popular and flagship program - CCA (Certified Career Analyst) Eduprenuer programme is set as per the industry’s best practices.

We provide both extensive and intensive training on different psychometric theories, entire platform setup and CRM, Marketing training with initial handholding support and supervision to counselors in real cases. For more details on the Certified Career Analyst – Eduprenuer Program you can visit our website http://www.certifiedcareeranalyst.com/.

6. Training & handholding

7. Branding & Personalization

The platform is only an enabler, but a career counselor makes the real difference in career counseling. Counselors should promote their brand and counseling services to candidates for credibility, visibility, and references.  Ultimately, consistency contributes to brand recognition which fuels consumer reliability.

Most of the counselors prefer their own practice, which means they would also prefer to put their brand at the forefront. 

Edumilestones helps you establish your brand with personalization and customization.

  • We have enabled 1600+ career counselors platforms.

  • Counselors can promote their brand in front of students.
  • Counselors are equipped with their own dedicated advanced CRM.

A CRM helps counselors manage candidates data, reports, session logs, update their own platform with their control panel.

8. Data Privacy and Confidentiality

In the digital world today, data privacy is taking on greater importance. Confidentiality and Data privacy has always been a major concern in counseling.

With more and more digitization of resources, security of information shared is of paramount importance. Leakage of data leads to improper use, loss of credibility and goodwill. Hence data privacy has assumed significance in the present day world of ever-increasing digitization of resources. Any data obtained should be kept secured through end to end encryption and other similar security measures.

With Edumilestones, information obtained through our career guidance platform is secured and is only accessible to career counselors. Access and control of all career reports are also in the sole hands of career counselors only.

9. Updated Career Exploration Database

Around 5 to 6 years back, there were only 50 to 60 career paths like engineering, medical, manufacturing, architecture, management, etc. to choose from. Today we have so many new age career paths with huge and exciting opportunities. Most of the candidates are not aware of career paths like data analytics, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, robotics, etc. This creates a plethora of opportunities for an individual to explore.

Edumilestones is synonymous to Encyclopaedia for the career path. We are proud to have a large library of all career paths as updated until today, available for reference to both counselors and candidates. We do career exploration across

  • 20 Career Clusters 
  • 175+ career paths
  •  3000+ occupations
  •  Career Path Database is updated every 3 months

Imagine owning a technology platform and not having dedicated after-sales-service to ensure its smooth functioning all the time. A platform that functions smoothly all the time not only increases the credibility of the counselors but also leaves the candidate with positive user experience every time.

Edumilestones provide dedicated support through telephone, WhatsApp, emails, to empower and enable the counselor to run and scale their career counseling practice efficiently.

10. Dedicated Support 24*7

Trusted by 1500+ career counsellors

Know more about Career Guidance Platform

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