"Understanding your career interests and personal abilities is crucial before choosing a career path. Many working professionals are unhappy in their daily work life because they chose a career that they were never truly interested in. Students or professionals who are uncertain about their career choices can benefit from taking an AI-based psychometric assessment test for the better understanding of their personality and interests. This can help them to make a more informed and suitable career decision."
With over 14 years of Corperate Experience including 11 years in Human resource Management in Middle East and India, I have successfully managed a workforce of 16,000+ employees, overseeing a team of 52 HR professionals. Throughout my career, I have worked with various capacities, including Administration, Recruitment and head of Human Resource Department.. My experience spans a wide range of roles across different sectors, including Retail, Hospitality, Marketing, Travel & Tourism, IT, media, engineering, Constructions, and more in total, I have personally interviewed more than 2,00,000 candidates and reviewed lakhs of resumes in last 11 years, I have successfully assisted countless individuals in securing suitable job roles.
In collaboration with EduMilestone, I am committed to providing the best career guidance using advanced technology with artificial Intelligence and innovative platforms. Through this partnership, I hope to make a meaningful difference in the lives of Students and aspiring professionals, helping them navigate the complexities of career planning and achieve their Life goals.